Code of Conduct
Code of conduct
The Fairpicture Code of Conduct* covers three substantial aspects of our mission.
- The dignity, safety, and security of the people we work with and of ourselves.
- The personal behavior when working.
- The images and videos we take and publish.
The employees of Fairpicture, the visual creators, and the clients commit themselves to comply with the following 10 rules.
*For the CoC we refer to The Dóchas Code of Conduct on Images and Messages and its Guiding Principles.
Your Commitment
As visual creators who are part of the Fairpicture network, as clients, and as employees of Fairpicture, you commit yourselves to the following principles:
- The lives, dignity, safety, and security of the people involved in your work, as well as your own life, are more important than a(ny) picture or video.
- Promote fairness, solidarity, justice, and human rights at all times, not only with your images but also with your personal behavior.
Which visual language do we use? What is appropriate and what is not? The goal of Fairpicture is to present a realistic portrayal of the lives of people and the role of organisations. - Always ask for consent before taking a picture or video, not afterward.
- Use images, messages, and case studies with the full understanding and consent of the subjects (or the subjects’ parents/guardians).
- Conform to the highest standards in relation to human rights and the protection of vulnerable people.
- Choose images and related messages based on the values of respect, equality, solidarity, and justice.
- Truthfully represent any image or depicted situation both in its immediate and wider context so as to improve public understanding of the realities and complexities of people’s lives.
- Avoid images and messages that potentially stereotype, sensationalise, or discriminate against people, situations, or places.
- Avoid a paternalistic view that shows people as dependent.
- Ensure that those whose situation is being presented have the opportunity to communicate their stories themselves.
The implementation of the above principles in your daily work is a must and helps to promote and ensure the values of the Fairpicture network. It lies in your responsibility to inform your eventual subcontractors about this Code of Conduct and make sure they follow it.
— Bern, May 2023
© Fairpicture AG – Spitalgasse 28 – CH-3011 Bern | – +41 41 203 27 40