Reporting & Reducing CO2

Case Study: Vivamos Mejor


Photo: Morena Pérez Joachin / Vivamos Mejor / Fairpicture


The spring 2022 production with Vivamos Mejor, a Swiss aid organisation, was an example of a communications team consciously introducing more environmentally sustainable practices into their communications strategy. For a reporting project with a new semi-virtual production approach, Vivamos Mejor partnered with Fairpicture and local visual creator Morena Pérez Joachin. Instead of flying from Europe to Latin America, journalist Hanspeter Bundi interviewed the project beneficiaries via video call, which was organised by Marla, the local project manager. Marla travelled across Guatemala with Hanspeter on video chat, allowing him to conduct virtual interviews and get to know local stories. Visual creator Morena accompanied them and not only made the images and videos for the report, but also documented this new way of working. 


Vivamos Mejor

Visual Creator

Morena Pérez Joachin


Balanced Nutrition


Villages close to Panajachel, Guatemala


March 2023


Nutritionist Daniela Maria Tanchez Sandoval talking with project participant Sarah Angelina Yax Perez and son Fernando.

Photo: Morena Pérez Joachin / Vivamos Mejor / Fairpicture


In 2017, 80 percent of children under the age of five in the highlands above Lago de Atitlán were chronically malnourished, a higher rate than in most regions of Guatemala. Together with 250 families in the villages of Pajomel, Chuitzanchaj and Laguna Seca, Vivamos Mejor set out to improve food security with a project called "More than Corn," the country's original food staple. The focus of the project is not calories, but a diverse diet and clean water. In implementing this, they rely primarily on on-site consulting in the farmers' fields. Experienced agrotechnicians use training centre facilities for courses, which, together with other organisations, Vivamos Mejor finances the operations for. In addition to a lecture hall, the centre houses a nursery, a composting plant, a greenhouse and a chicken coop.

Vivamos Mejor's consultations and courses have literally borne fruit. A survey of the 250 families in the project shows that their diets have become more diverse as a result of the project. The survey was based on the ten food groups defined by the FAO - from cereals and legumes to animal proteins, vegetables and fruits. 


Jorge Cuc (30) shows journalist Hanspeter Bundi the plants in the greenhouse via video.

Photo:  Morena Pérez Joachin / Vivamos Mejor / Fairpicture


Based on Vivamos Mejor’s calculations, working with Fairpicture saved 3.4 tonnes of CO2 compared to if they had sent Hanspeter from Switzerland to Guatemala (and back) for the project. He was still able to roam the project region for the report, conduct interviews, and research background information - without ever setting foot on Guatemalan soil. For the families who took part in the reportage, it was an opportunity to appear as protagonists of their own story, which they said was an empowering and impactful experience.

The images created by Morena were used both for the report on global nutrition itself and to share their virtual approach with their audience on their various channels, including a dedicated blog post. What can we say; it was a communication project that will hopefully bear further fruit.

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For the families participating in the reportage, it was an opportunity to act as protagonists of their own story.

Maria Muj, Project member, Guatemala

Short video snippet about how a video call between the journalist Hanspeter Bundi and Graciela Chumil García looked like. Watch also the complete Video documentary  “More than calories: A more diverse diet for Mayan families in Guatemala” – Video:  Morena Pérez Joachin / Vivamos Mejor / Fairpicture


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Thanks to the many images and the openness of the people, it was as if I was there in person.

Hanspeter Bundi, Journalist, Switzerland


Portrait of Graciela Chumil García (29) Estrellita (9) and Kimberly (2) her dauthers at home in Santa Cruz la Laguna, Sololá Guatemala.

Photo: Morena Pérez Joachin / Vivamos Mejor / Fairpicture

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