Co-Creation in Content Production

by Fairpicture, October 2024

An Ibex + Fairpicture series of articles

We are excited to present a new series of articles exploring co-creation in content production and its transformative potential for NGO communication. This series, "Co-Creation in Content Production" aims to provide valuable insights into how co-creative storytelling can bring about genuine representation by shifting narratives from being told about communities to being told with them.

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George Ansah, Cocoa Farmer and Fairtrade Impact Diaries ambassador with his family in his home in Abekoase, Ghana. Credit: Nipah Dennis / Fairtrade Germany / Fairpicture © All rights reserved

In a rapidly changing NGO landscape, co-creation in content production is emerging as a game-changer in the quest for authentic storytelling. For too long, top-down narratives have overshadowed the voices of the very communities that NGOs seek to represent. This series introduces the importance of allowing communities to control their own stories and explores how this approach can reshape the way we connect with donors, beneficiaries, and the world, offering a radical rethinking of who controls the narrative.

Ibex and Fairpicture are presenting a series of insightful and practical articles designed to guide NGOs through the shift to co-creative production. The articles feature contributions from Tanya Glanville-Wallis of Ibex Ideas, Jörg Arnold of Fairpicture, and special guests from the community.

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“Certainly, all transitions are difficult, but it’s time for NGO communications departments to take their mission seriously.”

Jörg Arnold

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Co-Creation in Content Production Series

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Bismark Domena, a cocoa farmer and a purchasing clerk, records a selfie video by his building which is under construction in Abakoase, Fanteakwa, Eastern Region of Ghana, on November 11, 2021. He makes these videos as a part of the impact dairies of his journey as a cocoa farmer. “This is the new building I have been able to put up with revenue from my cocoa. I am looking forward to completing it in the coming year.” Says Bismark Domena, a cocoa farmer and a purchasing clerk in Abakoase, Ghana. Credit: Nipah Dennis / Fairtrarde Germany / Fairpicture © All rights reserved

Subscribe to Ibex + Fairpicture article series

As we continue advocating for co-creation in content production, we’re excited to introduce a series of articles designed to help organisations unlock the potential of this approach. In these upcoming articles, we’ll explore essential strategies that we believe offer significant value.

We’re here to guide your organisation through the process of adopting this model, ensuring it aligns with your goals and delivers meaningful results, through the following topics:

  • Why reviewing your current processes is essential
  • Laying the foundations for community-led content production in your organisation
  • Developing creative concepts: a step-by-step guide
  • Streamlining the content gathering process: how it can work for you

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What can an NGO expect when launching A project with Fairpicture and Ibex?

You can expect a fully co-creative approach that puts communities at the centre of content production by:

☑️ Auditing your processes: We can help you examine your existing methods and identify ways to improve.

☑️ Laying the foundations: We support organisations in setting up the structures and processes for community-centred content production.

☑️ Developing creative concepts: We tailor creative concepts for community-centred storytelling that can be easily implemented.

☑️ Gathering content: We produce content (photos and videos) with full consent and participation of both local creatives and local communities.

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