Our purpose is to facilitate direct collaboration between clients and local visual creators in a way that is fair, efficient, simple and safe for all parties involved. Fairpicture brings you commissions that are committed to fair representation and storytelling. We are driven by a desire to improve the creative industry and our impact goals and want to increase the market share of ethically and locally-sourced visual material.
The Fairpicture community wants fair pictures to become the industry standard – together with you!
Selection of over 180 local photographers from 80+ countries who are already part of the Fairpicture community.
Fairpicture pitches visual creators around the world to clients, giving you access to more assignments.
Here’s how it works: Once you sign up on fairpicture.org, we’ll call you to discuss our potential collaboration in detail. If we’re a match, we’ll put your Fairpicture portfolio online. Once you’re ready to go, we propose your portfolio to clients who approach us looking for locally and ethically-produced visual stories
From the initial client request to final invoicing, we’ll save you time and money by taking care of the administrative work and by streamlining the production process.
Farhana Akther
Photographer and Videographer
Dahka, Bangladesh
Fairpicture isn’t a traditional creative agency. Instead, we provide tools and systems to support your work with clients, making sure you can maintain your voice and perspective. So, what does this look like?
We promote you to our network of new and existing clients with regularly posted case studies and your personal Fairpicture portfolio. With the support of our platform and operations team, we facilitate easy and smooth communication between you and the client. What’s also key is we take responsibility when you need support, have questions, or if you need external mediation with customers. We are here for you. By working with us, you’ll have access to the Fairpicture infrastructure which helps enable fair and smooth processes for ethical storytelling. This includes tools like the Fairpicture Consent App, which is used to collect and manage informed consent from the people depicted in the images.
Our community’s aim is to remove bureaucratic and logistical hurdles and enable what we actually strive for: a dignified way of interacting with each other.
Nyimas Laula
Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia
Photo: 2021 Abekoase, Ghana | Nipah Dennis / Fairtrade Germany / Fairpicture
The impact of a photograph or a video goes beyond the visual: a fair picture should be fair to everyone involved in its production. This claim has the base assumption that Fairpicture also behaves fairly internally – and especially towards our visual creators. We are committed to negotiating fair working conditions for you and ensuring that you have enough time for your work so that you can focus on what you do best: visual storytelling.
That’s right: Fairpicture doesn’t charge visual creators any fees to sign up on our platform. We also do the portfolio work for you for free. Once we found a match for you with one of our clients, we charge a sliding fee based on your earnings with that specific client. Plus, we manage your reviews, contracts and payments, so that you never chase after a client for your money again.
Camilo Freedman
Photo- & Videographer
Mejicanos, El Salvador
Visual creators in the network are involved in the Fairpicture’s development and evolution. Diverse and open organisations make better and more sustainable solutions. In order to get to know each other, to mutually benefit from our individual knowledge, and to have a global impact we include our community of creators whenever possible.
In addition to working on productions, visual creators are brought in to apply their expertise and provide consulting services. Fairpicture facilitates exchanges, organises exhibitions, and promotes visual creators' projects on our website and social media channels. The Fairpicture StoryLab serves as a platform for exchange, knowledge building and as a place to showcase various narratives. Contributions are compensated financially. Do you have an idea for a blog or a creator story? Let us know!
We regularly host forums and workshops to develop together. Additionally, regional community mentors are also available as coaches when you have more needs or questions. We also work with the network to develop products tailored to your needs, such as the FairConsent app. As we grow, we are becoming a global movement.
June 2024 - Connexio develop
Multimedia package for fundraising purposes taken in Strumica in North Macedonia
Learn more about Leave no one behind – photo and video for ethical fundraising
March 2024 - SOS-Kinderdorf Schweiz
Explore how SOS-Kinderdorf Schweiz and Fairpicture collaborated to document the transformative impact of family-strengthening programs in Diffa, Nige through ethical photography and videography.
Learn more about Child protection and education in Diffa
February 2021 - Concordia Sozialprojekte
Farpicture photographer Samir Karahoda visited a social and educational centre for children and youth in Prizren, Kosovo.
Learn more about Peaceful communal, cultural and religious coexistence