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Selected blog posts


November 2022 - Anne Nwakalor

Power Dynamics Within Photography

Many photographers do not take into account whether they are capturing the individual in an ethical and respectful manner.

Learn more about Power Dynamics Within Photography


November 2021 - Jörg Arnold

The Image in our Mind

Stereotypical images, often shown without information about the people photographed and the corresponding context, are still widespread today. Many Development cooperation organisations are aware that it is ethically indispensable to communicate unprejudiced and with dignity.

Learn more about The Image in our Mind


January 2022 - Aurel Vogel

Update #8: Connecting the dots

Progress has a strange pace. Months pass without noteworthy changes and suddenly everything comes together. Last year Fairpicture pretty much followed this pattern. So let’s look backwards and connect the dots.

Learn more about Update #8: Connecting the dots

Case studies


June 2023 - Alce Nero and Fairtrade Italy

Visual Communication on empowerment and equity

Alce Nero, a market-leading company for organic farming reached out to Fairpicture to tell a story which speaks of redemption, liberation and fairness and comes with videos and photos.

Learn more about Visual Communication on empowerment and equity


April 2021 - Fairtrade Germany

Very fair, indeed!

Impact diaries is the word of the hour. Check out this inspiring and fresh approach to campaigning and learn how farmers tell their own stories… with a smartphone!

Learn more about Very fair, indeed!


October 2021 - Don Bosco Mission

Fairness in Depictions of Disability

The Escuela Laura Vicuña in Puerto Montt (Chile) is a place for children and teenagers with disabilities. Fairpicture photographer Tamara Merino visited the Don Bosco school. She created a visual report about the children's everyday life during the pandemic.

Learn more about Fairness in Depictions of Disability

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